What It Means To Be An Alpha Stoic Woman

So, I get a lot of attention for being an Alpha Stoic Male, however, that is not the only intention of my content here. The term Alpha Stoic can also refer to a woman as well. They are the highest caliber of women that high quality men seek after. It is time we recognize them …

Avoid Ego Driven Individuals

Arrogance, pride and things of this nature reflect on the ego of an individual. The mine and yours illusion is fascinating to us who know we are all part of the whole. It is my intention in this article to help show you those people to avoid who are driven by ego centric mechanisms in …

Why Stoics Do Not Use Ad Hominem Attacks

A Stoic does not use ad hominem attacks because it is beneath them to do so. An ad hominem attack is an attack on someone’s character and not the issue at hand. What a less intelligent person will do is refer to a persons’ appearance, their past, in order to disregard a current argument. In …

Conceptualize The Concepts | Fact or Fiction

Your human experience begins and ends with a question mark. To know the answer to that question, You would be willing to do anything and even enslave yourself to concepts and people who claim to know that answer. For the sake of argument, we will call them “Posers” in this article and help you to …