What It Means To Be An Alpha Stoic Woman

So, I get a lot of attention for being an Alpha Stoic Male, however, that is not the only intention of my content here. The term Alpha Stoic can also refer to a woman as well. They are the highest caliber of women that high quality men seek after. It is time we recognize them …

Why People Insult Others

The only reason why you would insult another person is that you are, in fact, insecure. Insults will reveal your weaknesses, they are like a magnifying glass into your soul.  As you go throughout your day, think of how many insults come off your tongue. Write them down and self reflect at a quiet time. …

You Only Have One Thing Left To Do In This Life | DIE

You only have one thing left to do in this life, and that is to die. Everything else is a choice! That being said, should it not prompt you to have the best human experience you can? Let it inspire you to let go of any harboring resentment, envy, wants, or desires. Forgive everyone that …

What Is Success?

So my friend is teaching his children that success is being able to afford more material possessions than the people that he surrounds himself with. Is this poison? Of course it is, but humor me with this failed reasoning. Want & Desire Equals Poverty Want and desire are poverty, no matter how much one has …

Don’t Think – Take A Moment To Just Exist

If you ponder it, we are always thinking about something, are we not? Who to see, where to go, what to do and so on. We catch away our minds, filling every moment of our existence with thinking about something. At the end of the day, many of us fill our minds with the news, …

Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You

Skepticism never entertains the thought of being wrong, but critical thinking does. Skepticism produces nothing, critical thinking does. The true skeptic is a non-believer, non-thinker, negative energy sucking vampire. Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You! If there is one thing on this planet that will lead you into depression, anxiety and make you …


I live in the moment; I learn from my past and contemplate my future. I will not worry about things I do not have control over. It will not bother me. It shall not control me, I shall control myself. I will honor my virtues. I am Alpha, not Beta, I am the leader of myself!