What It Means To Be An Alpha Stoic Woman

So, I get a lot of attention for being an Alpha Stoic Male, however, that is not the only intention of my content here. The term Alpha Stoic can also refer to a woman as well. They are the highest caliber of women that high quality men seek after. It is time we recognize them …

Don’t Think – Take A Moment To Just Exist

If you ponder it, we are always thinking about something, are we not? Who to see, where to go, what to do and so on. We catch away our minds, filling every moment of our existence with thinking about something. At the end of the day, many of us fill our minds with the news, …

Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You

Skepticism never entertains the thought of being wrong, but critical thinking does. Skepticism produces nothing, critical thinking does. The true skeptic is a non-believer, non-thinker, negative energy sucking vampire. Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You! If there is one thing on this planet that will lead you into depression, anxiety and make you …

Betrayed? This Is What You Should Do | Stoic Thoughts

Someone once said, “In order for there to be betrayal, there must first be trust.” Betrayal is the opposite of faithfulness, isn’t it? Let’s work this backwards, who is responsible for the betrayal, the one doing the betraying or the one that trusted the betrayer? Judas Will Sell Your Hide Christ had a betrayer, and …

Hard Times Create Stronger Human Beings

Notice that the title says that “Hard Times Create Stronger Human Beings,” and not “Hard Times Create Good Human Beings”. This is because “guidance” can only help create a wonderful human being, furthermore what a person does with that guidance is up to them. The convictions of a person will help define who they are, …

Perfect Legal Pain Bomb

It may be the weather, old injuries or something of that nature, but let’s face it, PAIN SUCKS! Working with pain can also be dangerous to yourself and others, depending on what you do. Pain makes people do crazy things as well. Anyway, I have come up with a couple of perfect pain bombs for …