What It Means To Be An Alpha Stoic Woman

So, I get a lot of attention for being an Alpha Stoic Male, however, that is not the only intention of my content here. The term Alpha Stoic can also refer to a woman as well. They are the highest caliber of women that high quality men seek after. It is time we recognize them …

Avoid Ego Driven Individuals

Arrogance, pride and things of this nature reflect on the ego of an individual. The mine and yours illusion is fascinating to us who know we are all part of the whole. It is my intention in this article to help show you those people to avoid who are driven by ego centric mechanisms in …

Why Stoics Do Not Use Ad Hominem Attacks

A Stoic does not use ad hominem attacks because it is beneath them to do so. An ad hominem attack is an attack on someone’s character and not the issue at hand. What a less intelligent person will do is refer to a persons’ appearance, their past, in order to disregard a current argument. In …

I Am Damaged

“I am damaged” is a phrase some people used to express their frustration after failed romantic relationships. However, when a person uses this phrase and actually believes it they set themselves up for failure, do they not? Let’s take a look at the alternatives. I am Damaged or I have Learned Are you damaged, or …

You Only Have One Thing Left To Do In This Life | DIE

You only have one thing left to do in this life, and that is to die. Everything else is a choice! That being said, should it not prompt you to have the best human experience you can? Let it inspire you to let go of any harboring resentment, envy, wants, or desires. Forgive everyone that …

Don’t Think – Take A Moment To Just Exist

If you ponder it, we are always thinking about something, are we not? Who to see, where to go, what to do and so on. We catch away our minds, filling every moment of our existence with thinking about something. At the end of the day, many of us fill our minds with the news, …

This Is Why You Fail

Every wonder why you fail? It could be that you are delusioned by time. Perhaps you were brainwashed into thinking that you had power over the future or even the past. Please watch this video for the full explanation.  

To Be Genuine | Stoic Thoughts

The genuine liar only lies to themselves. The genuine cheater only cheats themselves. The violator only violates themselves. To fool someone is only to fool yourself. The deceiver only deceives themselves. The rapist rapes themselves. You should never feel robbed when someone manifests undesirable characteristics because they do it to themselves. When someone deceives you, …

Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You

Skepticism never entertains the thought of being wrong, but critical thinking does. Skepticism produces nothing, critical thinking does. The true skeptic is a non-believer, non-thinker, negative energy sucking vampire. Why You Should Kill The Skeptic In You! If there is one thing on this planet that will lead you into depression, anxiety and make you …

Atheist Failed Logic | Top 10 Blunders

For the record, I don’t hate Atheist or Skeptics I just like to argue with them because it’s fun. Their non-belief/belief failed logic is an impossible paradox that they cannot rectify. An Atheist has the improper tendency to claim belief in science, yet anyone who actually knows what science is will tell you it is …