To Be Genuine | Stoic Thoughts

The genuine liar only lies to themselves. The genuine cheater only cheats themselves. The violator only violates themselves. To fool someone is only to fool yourself. The deceiver only deceives themselves. The rapist rapes themselves. You should never feel robbed when someone manifests undesirable characteristics because they do it to themselves. When someone deceives you, …

Atheist Failed Logic | Top 10 Blunders

For the record, I don’t hate Atheist or Skeptics I just like to argue with them because it’s fun. Their non-belief/belief failed logic is an impossible paradox that they cannot rectify. An Atheist has the improper tendency to claim belief in science, yet anyone who actually knows what science is will tell you it is …

This Is Why I Am Untouchable | Stoic Thoughts

I do not do things to be thanked, appreciated, or recognized I do things because I believe in them. I have all necessities and I am free of desire, this makes me untouchable and rich.   What People Value Take value in what materialistic people do not take value in, and you will be rich. …

I DONT BELIEVE IN THE SCIENCE GOD | Critical Thinking | Stoic Thoughts

Life is an unsolved mystery and continues to be, doesn’t it? The idea that we can answer everything through a man-made tool such as “Science” is ignorance manifested. Keeping faith in such a tool to catch up with truth and reality is lame yet, the skeptics remain hopeful, pun intended. Why am I hostile about …


I live in the moment; I learn from my past and contemplate my future. I will not worry about things I do not have control over. It will not bother me. It shall not control me, I shall control myself. I will honor my virtues. I am Alpha, not Beta, I am the leader of myself!


There is no greater way to impress yourself than by practicing humility. First recognize you will not be the greatest and best at a certain activity. You will not be the richest and you will never reach the apex of financial wealth. The most important thing in your life are your virtues.

Healthy Happy and Strong | Nature Merciless But Righteous

Today I would like to write to you about being healthy, happy and strong. Why is this important? Because you must love yourself and after you learn to love yourself, you will learn to love others. Self sacrifice is indeed a noble virtuous quality but ignoring your health and happiness is shameful. When I was …