This Is Why You Fail

Every wonder why you fail? It could be that you are delusioned by time. Perhaps you were brainwashed into thinking that you had power over the future or even the past. Please watch this video for the full explanation.  

So You Want To Be Happy, Really?

Do you really want to be happy? Happiness takes work, thought, and most of all, appreciation. Being thankful is the first step to happiness. Remember that you are the responsible one for your happiness. No one else can do it for you. Who You Hang With Toxicity is on the rise, it infects people with …

The Illusional Concept of Birth and Death

I wish to write to you about the illusional concept of your birth and death. Please understand that the concept of individualism is misleading because we are all part of a whole. To believe that you are an “individual” that sustains itself is just silly. Every piece is very important. Some state that if one …

To Be Genuine | Stoic Thoughts

The genuine liar only lies to themselves. The genuine cheater only cheats themselves. The violator only violates themselves. To fool someone is only to fool yourself. The deceiver only deceives themselves. The rapist rapes themselves. You should never feel robbed when someone manifests undesirable characteristics because they do it to themselves. When someone deceives you, …

My Future Wife By Divine Providence | Stoic Thoughts

Dear Sons, This is a story about my future wife by divine providence however, she is already my wife. She does not have to guess my thoughts because she knows them. To call her a queen would be an insult the more appropriate term would be goddess and she feels comfortable being called that by …

Dear Godson In The Belly Of Your Mother

Dear Godson, You are now in the belly of your mother and your father informed me last week I am to be your godfather. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. Second to your mother, father and family, I get to help teach you things. I’m very excited about it and pretty soon …

This Is Why I Am Untouchable | Stoic Thoughts

I do not do things to be thanked, appreciated, or recognized I do things because I believe in them. I have all necessities and I am free of desire, this makes me untouchable and rich.   What People Value Take value in what materialistic people do not take value in, and you will be rich. …


I live in the moment; I learn from my past and contemplate my future. I will not worry about things I do not have control over. It will not bother me. It shall not control me, I shall control myself. I will honor my virtues. I am Alpha, not Beta, I am the leader of myself!